The Eastern Alliance for Sustainable Learning is sponsoring the 2024 Australian Early Childhood Sustainability Conference.
The Australian Early Childhood Sustainability Conference presents a unique opportunity for early childhood educators and advocates. It’s the perfect platform to explore how to integrate the new EYLF v2.0 sustainability principle into your teaching practices and curriculum. You will be engaging with a range of sustainability ideas, be empowered to critically reflect on current practice and build confidence to enact change with colleagues, children and families.
For further details and to secure your spot, please visit:
Featuring leading national and international Keynote Speakers Dr Sue Elliott, Prof Julie Davis and Prof Eva Ärlemalm-Hagsér presenting their session ‘Conversations about ECEfS: History, hope and resilience in times of polycrises’, as well as workshops, roundtables and field trips, this is not an event to miss out on!