Term 2 – Kitchen Garden Progress Workshop – Mount Scopus Memorial College

On Thursday June 8th we spent the day with Mount Scopus Memorial College for our Term 2 Progress Workshop. Teachers from across the EASL LGAs were hosted in their spectacular kitchen garden for the day. Their integration of nature in learning, community building through produce sharing, and safe spaces for students with neurodiversity and those that just need a quiet space, further emphasised that pockets of green in ever urbanising areas is vital for our future generations. Not only to nurture student learning but their mental health as well.

We harvested, and cooked our shared meal which fostered an even tighter sense of community amongst our network. Each teacher/sustainability lead received the usual one-on-one RSS support from their facilitators, PL on integrating kitchen garden practices at their own schools, and everyone left with a buzz of hopefulness for the future and a revitalisation for the sustainability work they’re doing in their own schools. It was the most wholesome day, and emphasised the value of having all manner of schools host these valuable events.

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