Term 4 Progress Workshop – Eastwood Primary School and Deaf Facility

On Thursday 9th November Eastwood Primary School and Deaf Facility hosted the Term 4 ResourceSmart Schools Progress Workshop with EASL. The energy was high as our educators were keen to learn from this five-star ResourceSmart School of the year! The morning started with educator networking and a wonderful biodiversity presentation by RSS Facilitator Emma. Helping guide the sustainability coordinators to run Biodiversity Audits at their schools.

After morning tea Eastwood’s passionate student Green Team gave us a tour of their school grounds. Highlighting the active creek bed with bike powered fountains, incredibly productive veggie gardens and their kitchen learning facilities. We got to see the junior years learn to plant and take care of the produce that the older years would later prepare. A fantastic way to educate students about food systems.

Thank you to the sustainability coordinator Meg and Eastwood PS&DF team for hosting and sharing their sustainability wisdom with EASL schools.